Friday, June 13, 2014

The Health Benefit of Ginger

10 Health Benefits of Ginger:
  • Ovarian Cancer Treatment
  • Colon Cancer Prevention
  • Morning Sickness Relief
  • Motion Sickness Remedy
  • Reduces Pain and Inflammation
  • Heartburn Relief
  • Prevention of Diabetic Nephropathy
  • Migraine Relief
  • Menstrual Cramp Relief
  • Cold and Flu Prevention
A chart to remember the many ginger health benefits.

Happy Fathers Day Dads!

Summer just ends and school has just been started. But this month we are celebrating the most precious month of the year which is for all the dads out there. We are very thankful and blessed that we had a dad who always been very supportive and most of all a loving dad and no one could ever replaced him into our life. 

Me and my family is giving thanks to our dad who's always been there for us all through these years. Same as what we did to our mom last month, we cooked for him a delicious recipe that is a 100% home-cooked meal a slight variation on the seafood "dirty" rice in great bowls of fire (fire-cracker-shrimp).

#WeHeartUPapa #WeHeartFood #HappyFathersDay 
You are very special for us your daugthers. 
We Love YOU dad! ...

                     Me and My Papa Ramon

Monday, June 2, 2014

Summer Fruity Thirst Quenchers

Summer is Officially Kicks in!

Now that it is summer, what's on our minds would probably an instant drinks or beverages. But what's on my mind are fresh fruits which is essentially natural to our body.
Here's the out-of-the-box ideas on the main fruits that would effectively thirst quench YOU.

Watermelon. Did you know that watermelons has a 92% of water? It has also packed up with several vitamins such as Vitamin A, Vitamin B6 and Vitamin C.

Coconut. Is instantly an ultimate thirst quencher. It is a Mother Natures natural drinks also called as a "Fruit of Heaven". It is naturally high in electrolytes and with more potassium than a banana.

A well-known fruit throughout much of the world, the soursop's delicious white pulp, with tones of fruit candy and smooth cream is commonplace in tropical markets, but is rarely found fresh anywhere else. 

Inside its thin, leathery, green flesh is a large mass of creamy pulp, usually intermixed with 50-100 black seeds.

Health benefits of Soursop
  • The seeds, which have emetic properties, can be used in the treatment of vomiting. 
  • The leaf decoction is effective for head lice and bedbugs. 
  • The crushed fresh leaves can be applied on skin eruptions to promote healing. 
  • The juice of the fruit can be taken orally as a remedy for urethritis, haematuria and liver ailments. 
  • The juice when taken when fasting, it is believed to relieve liver ailments and leprosy. 
  • To speed the healing of wounds, the flesh of the soursop is applied as a poultice unchanged for 3 days. 
  • A decoction of the young shoots or leaves is regarded as a remedy for gall bladder trouble, as well as coughs, catarrh, diarrhea, dysentery, fever and indigestion. 
  • Mashed leaves are used as a poultice to alleviate eczema and other skin problems and rheumatism. 
  • The root bark is use as an antidote for poisoning. 
  • Soursop flowers are believed to alleviate catarrh. 
  • Decoction of leaves used as compresses for inflammation and swollen feet.

Happy Mothers Day Moms!

Today has been a hot humid day since summer time started since last week of February, temperature’s never been changing or dropping to its normal range. Mostly it is in its constant range 29-34 degrees Celsius. If you get out from 10 am-3pm you should be cautious for that time are the most dangerous to our skin especially to those who got a particular diseases. Me and my nieces even got prickly heat in just staying home.

But despite of that stubborn heat of the sun I am still grateful for embracing the summer now that rainy season almost kicks in. It is almost end of May so my sisters and I got a little present to our mom for this month we are celebrating The Mothers Day Celebration. We cooked for our mom a freshly home made meal and it is a 100% Pinoy Dish, which we called it Tinolang Manok (Chicken Ginger Stew).

                                                      Chicken Ginger Stew

So for you mom we prepared a quote that perfectly fits for you and even to all moms out there,

A Mother's Love is Patient and forgiving when all others are forsaking, it never fails or falters, even though the Heart is breaking.” 

And so we are looking forward for the next months Fathers Day celebration!

My Leisure Time ( I Love Nail Designing)

Obvious that we girls are dying to have a great and sophisticated nail designs. We used our nails to shape it just the way we like it to and to paint it whatever colors we want to wear especially going out. And I so addicted to nail art designing!
Here are the brilliant designs and trendy colors that I have attracted most.

The white ribbon dotted design

The luminous pink ribbon design

I used to design my nails twice a week. This is the favourite leisure time that I used to do when I am home bound. I love collecting nail design materials just to keep my hands and feet comfortable going out. This is so much fun to do girls. Try it! 

(Photos from NailArt Club)