Wednesday, December 30, 2015
Thursday, December 10, 2015
Foods Permitted and Forbidden (Yahweh's Dietary Laws)
Leviticus Chapter 11New King James Version (NKJV)
Also seen in (Deuteronomy 14:3-21) on your bible/scripture.
11 Now the Elohim spoke to Moses and Aaron, saying to them, 2 “Speak to the children of Israel, saying, ‘These are the animals which you may eat among all the animals that are on the earth: 3 Among the animals, whatever divides the hoof, having cloven hooves and chewing the cud—that you may eat.4 Nevertheless these you shall not eat among those that chew the cud or those that have cloven hooves: the camel, because it chews the cud but does not have cloven hooves, is unclean to you; 5 the rock hyrax, because it chews the cud but does not have cloven hooves, is unclean to you; 6 the hare, because it chews the cud but does not have cloven hooves, is unclean to you; 7 and the swine, though it divides the hoof, having cloven hooves, yet does not chew the cud, is unclean to you. 8 Their flesh you shall not eat, and their carcasses you shall not touch. They are unclean to you.
9 ‘These you may eat of all that are in the water: whatever in the water has fins and scales, whether in the seas or in the rivers—that you may eat. 10 But all in the seas or in the rivers that do not have fins and scales, all that move in the water or any living thing which is in the water, they are an abomination to you.11 They shall be an abomination to you; you shall not eat their flesh, but you shall regard their carcasses as an abomination. 12 Whatever in the water does not have fins or scales—that shall be an abomination to you.
13 ‘And these you shall regard as an abomination among the birds; they shall not be eaten, they are an abomination: the eagle, the vulture, the buzzard,14 the kite, and the falcon after its kind; 15 every raven after its kind, 16 the ostrich, the short-eared owl, the sea gull, and the hawk after its kind; 17 the little owl, the fisher owl, and the screech owl; 18 the white owl, the jackdaw, and the carrion vulture; 19 the stork, the heron after its kind, the hoopoe, and the bat.
20 ‘All flying insects that creep on all fours shall be an abomination to you. 21 Yet these you may eat of every flying insect that creeps on all fours: those which have jointed legs above their feet with which to leap on the earth. 22 These you may eat: the locust after its kind, the destroying locust after its kind, the cricket after its kind, and the grasshopper after its kind. 23 But all other flying insects which have four feet shall be an abomination to you.
Unclean Animals
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The unclean animals (11) |
24 ‘By these you shall become unclean; whoever touches the carcass of any of them shall be unclean until evening; 25 whoever carries part of the carcass of any of them shall wash his clothes and be unclean until evening: 26 The carcass of any animal which divides the foot, but is not cloven-hoofed or does not chew the cud, is unclean to you. Everyone who touches it shall be unclean. 27 And whatever goes on its paws, among all kinds of animals that go on all fours, those are unclean to you. Whoever touches any such carcass shall be unclean until evening. 28 Whoever carries any such carcass shall wash his clothes and be unclean until evening. It is unclean to you.
29 ‘These also shall be unclean to you among the creeping things that creep on the earth: the mole, the mouse, and the large lizard after its kind; 30 the gecko, the monitor lizard, the sand reptile, the sand lizard, and the chameleon.31 These are unclean to you among all that creep. Whoever touches them when they are dead shall be unclean until evening. 32 Anything on which any of them falls, when they are dead shall be unclean, whether it is any item of wood or clothing or skin or sack, whatever item it is, in which any work is done, it must be put in water. And it shall be unclean until evening; then it shall be clean.33 Any earthen vessel into which any of them falls you shall break; and whatever is in it shall be unclean: 34 in such a vessel, any edible food upon which water falls becomes unclean, and any drink that may be drunk from it becomes unclean. 35 And everything on which a part of any such carcass falls shall be unclean; whether it is an oven or cooking stove, it shall be broken down; for they are unclean, and shall be unclean to you. 36 Nevertheless a spring or a cistern, in which there is plenty of water, shall be clean, but whatever touches any such carcass becomes unclean. 37 And if a part of any such carcass falls on any planting seed which is to be sown, it remains clean.38 But if water is put on the seed, and if a part of any such carcass falls on it, it becomes unclean to you.
39 ‘And if any animal which you may eat dies, he who touches its carcass shall be unclean until evening. 40 He who eats of its carcass shall wash his clothes and be unclean until evening. He also who carries its carcass shall wash his clothes and be unclean until evening.
41 ‘And every creeping thing that creeps on the earth shall be an abomination. It shall not be eaten. 42 Whatever crawls on its belly, whatever goes on all fours, or whatever has many feet among all creeping things that creep on the earth—these you shall not eat, for they are an abomination. 43 You shall not make yourselves abominable with any creeping thing that creeps; nor shall you make yourselves unclean with them, lest you be defiled by them. 44 For I amthe Lord your God. You shall therefore consecrate yourselves, and you shall be holy; for I am holy. Neither shall you defile yourselves with any creeping thing that creeps on the earth. 45 For I am Yahweh who brings you up out of the land of Egypt, to be your Elohim. You shall therefore be holy, for I am holy.
46 ‘This is the law of the animals and the birds and every living creature that moves in the waters, and of every creature that creeps on the earth, 47 to distinguish between the unclean and the clean, and between the animal that may be eaten and the animal that may not be eaten.’”
Saturday, December 5, 2015
Nurture the Nature - Balamban, Cebu
Its been exhausting afternoon after climbing from the top of Mt. Manunggal, but its worth for me to climb after seeing the monument of our late President Ramon Magsaysay though it's been a big mystery for us Filipino how and why his plane (Douglas C-47) crashed. Though there were "speculations" from the locals that his plane has been crashed due to zero visibility caused by fog, and/or there were bomb attached on his plane before Magsaysay together with the other passengers boarded on the presidential plane. An there were estimated 2 million people attended on Magsaysay's burial on March 1957 and he was posthumously referred to as the "Idol of Masses".
But let's go back on my little adventure after visiting the monument and climbing the highest peak in Cebu, I never missed out this opportunity to take a photo on this very fresh abundant spring water coming from the mountain though its almost a paradise for us to experience and see in real one of the natures finest brook found here in Balamban. A pure bliss from the little paradise !!
See the 1st part of my adventure in Mt. Manunggal on this link below:
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Nurture the nature so that the nature will nurture you. |
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Abundant natural spring water .. |
Thursday, December 3, 2015
Genesis Valley - Consolacion, Cebu
Letting my Wild(Heart) roam free in Genesis Valley !!
An awesome Monday morning that I've been able to visit Genesis Valley where all the replicas found here was all about the happening in the Book of Genesis. Though I haven't been able to take photos of all the replicas but it's worth it to see in real and have some time to roam the entire Valley. A day of pure bliss ! Would happily stay forever, but will also take a week.
An awesome Monday morning that I've been able to visit Genesis Valley where all the replicas found here was all about the happening in the Book of Genesis. Though I haven't been able to take photos of all the replicas but it's worth it to see in real and have some time to roam the entire Valley. A day of pure bliss ! Would happily stay forever, but will also take a week.
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Afternoon bliss in Genesis Valley - Station 6 |
The replica of Adam and Eve sent out from the garden. |
Cain and Abel replica. |
The replica of the Tower of Babylon. |
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Last moments wandering through Genesis Valley old pool. |
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